Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Mars retrograde

We all have been put through the test since Dec 20th when Mars, the blood-boiler went retrograde, and in the last three weeks in particular, as the planet has entered its most 'destructive' phase. By March 10th Mars will resume its normal course, and soon as February is over we all get some relief. Than two more weeks and we are out of the most demanding time we've been in a while, and that's despite the fact (suggested by many astrologers) that we've benefited by the overall positive planetary combinations. We should understand these that despite the losses the blows were somewhat softened.

Just to remind, Mars is retrograding in Leo, adding extra heat, extra anger and extra pride to already fiery planet. Comparing Western Zodiac with Indian Jyotish: the main characteristics of the planets are very similar so are the behavior and what the planets rule in both the outer and the inner spheres of our reality.

According to the Jyotish, the planets are grouped into benefic, malefic and neutral based on the energetic qualities they emit (from the worldly point of view). Mars (Mangal in sanskrit) belongs to the malefic group of planets, that is the overall character of the planet is unruly and has a fiery nature to it. Other malefic planets are Saturn, Sun and ascending and descending nodes of the Moon. Benefic ones are, Jupiter and Venus. While Mercury is neutral, that means the planet's energy can be colored by the combination of the planets it happened to share the house with.

From the psychological point of view Mars rules the emotions associated with fire element. Passion, anger, courage, jealousy, pride, and everything that makes us burn with impatience. When balanced Mars gives us strength for decision making, courage to face adversity and fearlessness to go with the changes in life. When imbalanced, as during the retrograde period (plus other special transits) the planet is seemed too eager to destroy everything, from the relationships to our inner peace, which are the mirrored conditions in any case.

Mars retrograde in Leo is a double bill. The otherwise assertive energy of leader Leo is being perplexed and thwarted into confusion and self-doubt. On top of that the shadowy qualities associated with Leo become exaggerated where pride and self-centeredness meets its extremes. Multiplied by the Martian energy we can expect an alien behavior from those we thought we knew as our own selves. Internalized anger is also on the agenda as the fire instead of being directed for cooking something nourishing or battling with adversaries is often turned against oneself.

The best strategy during the warrior planet going backwards is to sit it out in a shelter or make sure you use a bamboo stick instead of a real sword if you happened to be a martial artist. Is there anything good during the time when Mars is retrograding ? For sure, when the period is over we'll come out of it with facts and information which otherwise would have remained hidden. Both about ourselves and others. We'll be stronger and more compassionate beings, after being faced with our own limitations and inadequacies. Just like flower field gets more fertile after some blood drops on the ground. Exposure to our limitations would only help us go beyond the limits of our own making.


Rene Luijk said...

Aha! Since I am almost a Martian and my sun is a strong sign as well, what you are describing is very much reflected in the last couple of months in my working environment/life.

M. said...

aha - thanks, Igor ! :-)

but is Mars in Leo too in the Vedic charts ? I mean, he's in Leo in our Tropical Zodiac, which is almost a whole sign/30 degrees apart from the respective sidereal constellations (which Jyotish uses, if I'm not mistaken).

anyway - what a relief it will be over by March 10 !

abraços :-)

Igor Kufayev said...

Good point, Mateus ! It's 23 degrees.

I did a bit of a fusion for the practical benefit of the general reader, deliberately avoiding stepping into lesser known particularities of the Jyotish.

It's true since Jyotish uses the sidereal zodiac and Western astrology uses the tropical, 80% of all signs move to the previous one in Jyotish chart (Leo becomes Cancer). Jyotish is based on fixed position of the stars, while Zodiac is based on Spring Equinox.

It's because (my personal view, pls don't take me on that) Western Zodiac is mirroring the Geocentric model, while Vedic (Jyotish) one is (probably) linked to the fixed position of the Polar Star. The obsession of the ancient Rishis with it? Another uniqueness of the Vedic one is the use of the Dashas or Nakshatras (lunar houses) throughout the person's life. The birth sign in Jyotish is related to Lagna (the time of birth) which indicates the position of the sun (at birth) unlike in
Zodiac ( everyone born during month of Leo is Leo).

Saying that both systems view Mars in Leo right now, because the date when Mars entered Leo overlaps with both systems. In fact Mars will remain in Leo until June 2010, which is good news for us all.

Looking for some useful links I've stumbled onto this one, nutty, but brave:
this one is also good:

M. said...

hmmm interesting remarks, Igor :-)

loved the 2 sites !

abraços ! :-)

Unknown said...

Great sites Igor.
The second one beautifully and coherently written.